AniThree's Podcast
AniThree's Podcast
Anithree Season 3 Episode 12: Enter Gundam, Chapter Alex
AniThree - Enter Gundam, Chapter Alex
Doug and his friends will come together to spill the tea:
Podcast Life
-An update on our podcast status featuring Alex, one of our long-time friends!
-Doug and Alex discuss the happenings of their lives and share their history and what they've been doing.
-Doug and Alex discuss the impact and influence of Gundam in later mecha animes such as Code Geass and Darling the Franxx.
-The duo share their previous experiences with Anime Expo and talk about Anime Expo 2022 and what to expect!
-Doug and Alex share the latest animes they've been watching, including Classroom of the Elite, Yuru Camp, A Couple of Cuckoos, Demon Slayer and more!
-The duo discusses the latest games they're catching up with, in particular Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, Code Vein, Monster Hunter!
-Doug and Alex discuss Lost Ark and their experiences with the character creation feature!
-Don't forget to follow our Instagram and subscribe to our podcast!
-Thank you for listening to the twelfth episode of Season 3!
(Cloudy and New Day ) by KODOMOi (https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic)
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Music promoted by Music Panda - Vlog No Copyright Free Music
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jmuJp29d57Q
Please email us any recommendations to anithreepodcast@gmail.com