AniThree's Podcast
AniThree's Podcast
Anithree Season 3 Episode 14: Return of Anime Expo!
AniThree - Return of Anime Expo!
Doug and his friends will come together to spill the tea:
Podcast Life
-An update on our podcast status!
-The group comes together to talk about their Memorial Day weekends!
-Renee shares the latest on her artwork and what's to come!
-We have reached 1700 downloads, thank you for listening everyone!
-The group talks about the latest news regarding Netflix's adaptation of One Piece!
-Doug shares an update on the Fruits Basket Prelude movie and when and where we can expect to watch it!
-The group speculates on a rumor regarding a Solo Leveling adaptation by A-1 Pictures, what's to expect?
-We share our thoughts on the latest trailers for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, featuring the newer pokemons, Pawmi, Lechonk and Smoliv!
-Red and Doug discuss Sony's state of Play, mentioning the latest in Final Fantasy XVI, Street Figher 6 and an upcoming remake of Resident Evil 4!
-The group talks about their mobile gaming habits and Doug shares some surprising news about the newest addiction!
Anime Expo (AX)
-In honor of Anime Expo coming back this year, we discuss many things to expect for newbie con-goers!
--The group shares what to expect from AX in terms of premieres, be it movie or anime series!
--We discuss our shopping experiences and how you can prepare for the onslaught of line-con!
--Red shares his views on attending panels and how to schedule and prioritize!
-We share some exciting news in regards to AX 2022, please stay tuned!
-Don't forget to follow our Instagram and subscribe to our podcast!
-Thank you for listening to the fourteenth episode of Season 3!
(Cloudy and New Day ) by KODOMOi (https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic)
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Music promoted by Music Panda - Vlog No Copyright Free Music
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jmuJp29d57QPlease email us any recommendations to anithreepodcast@gmail.com
Instagram: anithreepodcast