AniThree's Podcast
AniThree's Podcast
Anithree Season 3 Episode 16: Its Just Me Today!
AniThree - Solo Leveling My Pod - Chapter One
Doug (Just Doug) will come over to spill the tea:
Podcast Life
-Doug shares tidbits about the status of the podcast!
-Doug talks about Red and Renee's absence and mentions potential future solo episodes!
-Doug answers some listener questions, what tea will he spill?
Anime Expo (AX)
-Doug shares about his experience at Anime Expo 2022!
--He goes into the safety requirements of Anime Expo, detailing masks and the wristband process.
--He talks about his shopping habits and how much he bought and the booths he saw, such as Riot, YoStar and mihoyo!
--He discusses the panels he went to, such as the ticketed Demon Slayer panel and what he saw and he laments the panels he missed such as the Bleach panel!
-Don't forget to follow our Instagram and subscribe to our podcast!
-Thank you for listening to the sixteenth episode of Season 3!
(Cloudy and New Day ) by KODOMOi (https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic)
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Music promoted by Music Panda - Vlog No Copyright Free Music
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jmuJp29d57QPlease email us any recommendations to anithreepodcast@gmail.com
Instagram: anithreepodcast