AniThree's Podcast
AniThree's Podcast
Anithree Season 3 Episode 18: Happy Halloween! Best Season for Anime!
AniThree - The October Winnings: Halloween, Boku no Bleachainsaw x Family Academia 100 from Mercury!
Doug and friends will come together to spill the tea:
Podcast Life
-Doug, Renee and Red share the latest happening in their lives and the podcast, find out what's going on!
-Doug talks to Renee about her artworks and what to expect!
-The group shares their answers on listener questions revolving around anime, life and quite possibly, other things?!
-The awesome threesome discuss what animes they've been watching this season!
--We go on to discuss Bleach, Chainsaw Man, Spy X Family Season 2, Boku no Hero, Mob Psycho and Gundam among others, stay tuned for our hot takes and spoilery reviews!
-The group discuss the latest happenings in mobile game land!
--Renee and Red talk about the latest collaboration with Cookie Run Kingdom featuring BTS and the newest gameplay features!
--Doug goes on to share more information about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, mentioning more details about the innovative gameplay and exclusive Pokemon for this new entry!
--We discuss the Persona series coming to more consoles, sharing our excitement for the upcoming JRPG release!
--Red talks about the latest Bayonetta 3 update, featuring the new story and we talk about our experiences with the series.
--We talk briefly about the latest Genshin update and the latest character to roll for, Nilou!
-Don't forget to follow our Instagram and subscribe to our podcast!
-Thank you for listening to the 18th episode of Season 3!
(Cloudy and New Day ) by KODOMOi (https://soundcloud.com/kodomoimusic)
Creative Commons - Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...)
Music promoted by Music Panda - Vlog No Copyright Free Music
Video Link: https://youtu.be/jmuJp29d57QPlease email us any recommendations to anithreepodcast@gmail.com
Instagram: anithreepodcast